10 Things to Know About Me
1. As the spouse of a diplomat, my life (and career) have been all over the map. What hasn't changed is my passion for connecting audiences with people, products, and causes.
2. I find the social sciences endlessly fascinating, and may start salivating if you mention research of any kind.
3. I used the 2020 lockdown to pick up the viola again after 10 years of letting it collect dust. According to my husband, friends, and teacher, I am an enthusiastically mediocre musician.
4. I have a black cat named Salem. Yes, like Sabrina.
5. I love puns and double entendres, but know when to use them and when to preserve the creative director's sanity.
6. I'm a self-starter, but love working on a team. Wonderfully weird brainstorm sessions are probably the most fun one can have at work.
7. I know how to bake the best chocolate chip cookies in the world.
8. When it comes to offering feedback, my philosophy is to sprinkle candor with kindness.
9. I got married in the middle of a busy Starbucks.
10. If you're on the hunt for an eccentric bookworm that can fill awkward silences as easily as they can drain bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos, congratulations on reaching the right corner of the internet.